Monday, August 4

More on Sugar

I thought about how I add sweetness to my food, without the use of sugar, and wanted to share it with you.

Some of my food rules are:

  1. Buy organic if I can, if I cant, buy the Best quality I can afford, & make sure its fully ripened before buying. When fruit is picked before its ripe, the sugars havent fully developed in the fresh produce.
  2. Find sweet flavours I can add to food, to appease my sweet tooth.
The way I do that is by following some simple rules for cooking. I caramelise the sugars in the food where possible, by roasting or toasting. When the natural sugars are caramelised, they go brown...simple.

If there are no sugars present or very low sugar, like bread, I add a flavour to enhance the sweetness or cover another flavour.
For example: Organic Coconut oil, chips etc, is quite sweet! So is liquorice root aka liquorice tea. If its a savoury meal, use bone broth/stock instead of water, to add nutrition & flavour. (chef tip)

I add fruit (gold kiwifruit, berries, chopped raw organic apple, skin on) to my porridge, seeds, (sunflower) spices like cinnamon & occasionally nuts. Almond nuts are sweet, but I just LOVE brazil nuts, & they give me selenium for my nails & hair. New Zealand is said to have low silica in our soil, so I make sure my nails & hair arent compromised. I also like to eat well.

Sometimes I add mint to things like coleslaw, or dried fruit (keep it minimal), a little sprinkle of sea or Himalayan pink salt, or other herbs. Parsley is divine with pumpkin soup, kale chips are crunchy...its all about the flavours, textures for me.

Pretty easy when you think about it, she says eating a handful of coconut chips mmmm creamy, chewy & lovely milk.

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